Crosstalk Analysis In Large-Area Low-Capacitance InGaAs Quad Photodiodes (2013)


Shubhashish Datta, Abhay Joshi, and Jim Rue
Discovery Semiconductors, Inc.
119 Silvia Street
Ewing, NJ 08628, USA
Tel: 609-434-1311, Fax: 609-434-1317


We report crosstalk in 1 mm diameter and 2 mm diameter quad InGaAs photodiodes having quadrant-to-quadrant separation of 15 µm, 20 µm, and 25 µm. This crosstalk is a combination of resistive and capacitive coupling between the photodiode quadrants and varies widely on the combination on device diameter, quadrant-to-quadrant separation, illumination conditions, and modulation frequency. Thus, the position sensing accuracy is heavily influenced by the operating conditions of the quad photodiode.

* Proc. SPIE 8704, Infrared Technology and Applications XXXIX, 87042G


Related links: Crosstalk Analysis In Large-Area Low-Capacitance InGaAs Quad Photodiodes (SPIE)

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