Discovery Semiconductors Delivers Wide Bandwidth Optical Receivers for Allen Telescope Array

Ewing, NJ - November 16, 2005

Discovery Semiconductors, Inc., an American company manufacturing optical receivers up to 65 GHz, has delivered low distortion, fiber-coupled 15 GHz receivers for analog fiber optic antenna links.  These receivers maintain flat RF response from DC to 11.2 GHz.

The Allen Telescope Array (ATA) – formerly known as the One Hectare Telescope (1hT) – is a joint effort by the SETI Institute and the Radio Astronomy Laboratory at the University of California, Berkeley to construct a Radio Interferometer that will be dedicated to astronomical observations and simultaneous searches for extra-terrestrial signals. For more information on SETI and the Allen Telescope Array visit

Dr. David R. DeBoer, project manager for the ATA, explained, “The antennas receive dual polarizations, each at 0.5 – 11.2 GHz. The different polarizations each contain unique signals. The signals at the antenna are amplified and transmitted through a fiber optic cable to Discovery’s optical receivers, which enables us to have different observers use different portions of the 0.5 – 11.2 GHz band simultaneously.”

“The ATA is an exciting and unique project,” said Mr. Jay Magbitang, Sales Engineer at Discovery Semiconductors, “and we are proud to be a part of it.” Mr. Magbitang continued, “We have the opportunity to work with a great group of people at SETI, and look forward to supplying optical receivers for the next generation of Radio Telescopes.”

Discovery Semiconductors is an industry leader in manufacturing ultrafast, high optical power handling InGaAs photodetectors, radio frequency over fiber optical receivers, balanced optical receivers and several other custom products for applications ranging from analog RF links to ultrafast digital communications. They have experience with Space and High Reliability Military Projects, and their customers include Fortune 500 telecom and aerospace companies, defense organizations, universities and emerging communication companies.

For additional information, including complete product specifications, operational capabilities and pricing, or to discuss your application in detail, please call Discovery at: (609) 434-1311 or fax: (609) 434-1317.

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